Being a clerk is a very strange career choice! You can either be sitting for hours on your own in your home office, fighting to meet deadlines in solitary silence and then dashing out to ‘work’ at seven o’clock in the evening or you could be sitting in a busy school office, surrounded by fellow admin colleagues, wishing that you too could be sitting in splendid isolation so that you can get the next agenda sorted or the last set of minutes transcribed in peace and quiet.
Whichever and however you get your work done as a clerk, we would love to hear from you. Your story could just help someone else in a similar situation to get to grips with what is often a very unusual lifestyle choice.
Whatever your situation, we at the ECA really encourage you to find the time to come to one of our termly briefings. This not only lets you hear the most up to date information but also gives you the opportunity to network with fellow clerks so that splendid isolation might not make you feel quite so alone.
If you have a story to tell, contact our Communications Officer, Angela Fuller.
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