Please see Meetings and Events page for details of our next virtual clerk update taking place on Wednesday 23rd April at 5.00pm. As usual reserve your place by emailing our Secretary, Sue Leek, on secretary@essexclerks.org
We have recently sent out a newsletter to all clerks we have contact details for. This can be downloaded below and if you did not reeive it but wish to be added to our mailing list please contact Peter via membership.
Thank you to everyone who attended our clerks briefing on 4th September 2024.
The role of the Clerk to the Governing Body of a school or an academy is a unique and important one, and clerks need high quality support and advice in order to carry out their jobs effectively. We have sourced a document that is freely available on the Internet that might be useful for clerks. NAGAS-Clerking-Handbook-2024.
The Essex Clerks’ Association is run by volunteers and financed by subscriptions from schools and/or clerks across Essex and by occasional donations from professional organisations. We have now been supporting clerks across the county for many years and we hope that, in some small way, we have helped – in particular, in this time of great change for both education and governance.
Each year we send out a notice to schools asking for a small subscription fee of £15. This is also payable directly to our Membership Officer
In return for this subscription you will help to support us in offering the following to Essex clerks:-
More information about the Essex Clerks’ Association and membership can be found in the About ECA section of our site.
Please do not hesitate to contact me, Marion Myers, the ECA Chair, or any of our Executive Committee – between us with have years of experience and we will do as much as we can to help. For any clerking questions please contact Angela Fuller, ECA Communications Officer, who will try to assist you.
The documents from the Autumn Term’s virtual Clerks’ Briefings can be found under Meetings for all Clerks
Briefings are held near the beginning of each term and start at 5pm for two hours – we would love to be able to offer clerks a cup of tea and cake or biscuits but currently the meetings are virtual as they seem to be better for clerks!
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