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2023 Autumn Term Briefing

Working together to improve school attendance

Working together – Summary table of responsibilities for school attendance

Using pupil premium_ guidance for school leaders

Universal infant free school meals (UIFSM)_ conditions of grant 2023 to 2024 – GOV.UK

Types of school inspections


Standards for school food in England – GOV.UK

School Sport and Activity Action Plan

School resource management advisers_ information for local authorities and maintained schools – GOV.UK

School resource management advisers_ information for academy trusts – GOV.UK

School inspections_ a guide for parents – GOV.UK

School inspection handbook for September 2023 – GOV.UK

School Funding Landscape 2024-25

School food in England – GOV.UK

Pupil premium_ overview – GOV.UK

pupil premium funding – is it reaching those in need_

PE and sport premium for primary schools – GOV.UK


National Tutoring Programme_ guidance for schools, academic year 2023_24 – GOV.UK

National funding formula for schools and high needs 2024 to 2025

Natioanl Funding Formula 2023 2024

Monitoring progress and impact of the strategy


Meeting digital and technology standards in schools and colleges – Cyber security standards for schools and colleges – Guidance – GOV.UK

Letter to governors and trustees_ Qualification results 2023 – GOV.UK

Letter from ESFA to trusts

Inspecting schools_ guide for maintained and academy schools – GOV.UK

Information Update


Government funding boost kickstarts delivery of historic new free childcare offers – GOV.UK



Everything you need to know about the new guidance on RAAC in education settings – The Education Hub

Essex Scheme for Financing Schools 2023-24

DBS requirements for Governors and Trustees

Cost of school uniforms – GOV.UK

Commissioning High-Quality Trusts

Clerks Update Autumn Term 2023

Changes made to school inspections – GOV.UK

Cendex CST Executive Salary Survey 2023

Building strong trusts 2023-04-25

Being Strategic – A guide for multi academy trust boards and CEOs

Being Strategic – A guide for governing boards and headteachers in single schools

Annex A – Trust Quality Descriptions

Academy-benchmarking-report-22 – Buzzacott

Academy Trust Handbook 2023_0

Academy Trust Handbook – Schedule_of_Musts_2023

Academy Glossary – Confederation of School Trusts


A guide for parents on school behaviour and exclusion – GOV.UK

15. School food in England – GOV.UK

13. Keeping Children Safe in Education Sept 2023


5. Standing Orders Autumn 2023

5. LGB Terms of Reference Aug 2023

5. Code of Conduct Register

5. Data Consent Form Sept 2023

5. Code of Conduct AMENDED Sept 2023 maintained av

5. Code of Conduct AMENDED Sept 2023

4. Declaration-of-Interest-Form-Sept 2023

4. Register for Declaration of Interests

5. Code of Conduct AMENDED Sept 2023 AV

1. DRAFT Autumn Term 2023 agenda ECA version

1. Chair election nomination form Sept 2023


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