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supporting clerks supporting governors

Events and conferences

On behalf of the ECA, I would like to take the opportunity to thank those clerks who took time out of their busy lives to join us at our annual Essex Clerks’ Association Conferences.  The general consensus has been that they are very positive events and that we have had the opportunity to hear from very interesting speakers with relevance to clerking.

The next event will be a Networking meeting on Thursday 13th June 2024.


Our Guest Speaker last year (2023) year was Amy Wright, Clerking Development Manager from the NGA. She also gave a presentation workshop on A Clerk’s Career Pathway.

Her presentations can be accessed below. You may need to copy the links into a new tab then you can hopefully download the documents or check your downloads folder and you could find the documents in there.

Essex conference May 2023 key note.docx

Essex conference May 2023 career pathway.docx


Linda Robinson also gave a presentation on Clerk’s perspective of an Ofsted Insection and her  presentation can be accessed below.

ECA L.Robinson Workshop 2023


If you did not complete a feedback form we would be grateful if you could download it from the link below and email it back to us. We are trying to find the best day/month to hold the conference next year to suit as many clerks as possible. Even if you were unable to attend this year please indicate at the bottom of the form which days/months are best for you so we can accomodate more clerks.

ECA Conference 2023 feedback form

We hope you all enjoyed this opportunity to meet face to face and we look forward to seeing you next year at our next conference.




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